Saturday 9 November 2013

Stuck in the Alps

Stuck in the Alps

One day I was feeling rather stymied because in my dream I had been plodding along this extremely narrow ledge and now it felt like I had nowhere to go. A rock slide had wiped out the trail in front of me, and I certainly wasn’t planning to try climbing that precarious shale in order to get around it. What was I to do? I kept hoping some angels would swoop down and carry me around the obstacle, but that wasn’t the Father’s plan.

               Finally the Heavenly Father was able to get through to me. “You know, Marilyn, I never did plan for you to climb this treacherous mountain of your ideals. See that lovely, lush, green valley far below; the valley of Humility? That’s where I wanted you to go. Being so concerned about your husband’s diet has been making life difficult for both him and yourself. Why don’t you let me take care of him?

               Well, I have been trying to inch slowly back down Mount Ideal but it is hard. For one thing it seemed like the Father had asked me to do, is make some of those nice, big soft cookies that Steve likes so much. For a diabetic?!! And when I can hardly leave them alone, either? Well, we do have the deep freezer, and I do have the Father to help me to say ‘no’ to my own desires. So, I’ll be stepping out in faith, and you can probably picture the big smile on my husband’s face when he sees all those delicious cookies!

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